Possible Cervical Spine Pain Solutions

***This site provides general information on the spine, surgical intervention, and other back and spine pain solutions. It is not meant to replace any personal conversations that you might wish to have with myself, my team, your physician or other member of your healthcare team. Not all the information here will apply to your individual treatment or its outcome.


What can cause pain?

There are several primary causes of cervical spine problems. The majority of the symptoms are caused by disc, bone, or ligaments pressing onto the nerve roots and/or spinal cord.

  • Degenerative disc disease (DDD)

    • During the natural aging process, the discs between each vertebral body can lose their flexibility, height, and elasticity. This can lead to a tear in the tough outer layer of the disc, causing the gelatinous core to bulge or herniate. As DDD advances, osteophytes (bone spurs) may develop around the discs and joints of the spine.

  • Nerve compression

    • Cervical disc bulging or herniation can cause pressure on the nerve roots and/or spinal cord that may lead to symptoms of radiating arm, neck, and shoulder pain, loss of dexterity or motor function, and/or numbness and tingling in the hand or arm.

  • Spinal cord compression

    • In some patients, the spinal cord can be compressed by bony osteophytes (spurs), herniated discs, or by other soft tissues such as ligaments. This is often referred to as spinal stenosis, which can lead to symptoms such as radiating arm pain, arm and hand weakness and numbness, loss of dexterity and motor function, gait instability, and neck pain.

  • Trauma and instability

    • Compression of the cord and nerve roots can also be caused by accidents and injuries which damage parts of the spine. Some of the possibilities are traumatic disc herniation, facet fracture, ligament instability, and fracture-dislocation.

What are treatment options?

Many symptoms can be treated without surgery including rest, heat, ice, medication, injections, and physical therapy. It is important to speak with us or a qualified physician about the best option. If symptoms do not improve with conservative treatment, we may recommend spinal surgery. Surgery is reserved for those who do not gain relief from non-operative forms of treatment, patients whose symptoms are increasing or worsening, and/or patients that present with a spinal condition which indicates the need for surgery.

What is an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) procedure?

An ACDF procedure is a type of cervical spine surgery where the surgeon approaches the spine from the front (anterior) of the neck (cervical spine). The surgeon removes the damaged spinal disc and inserts a bone graft (implant) in its place. The goal of the procedure is to then stimulate the above and below vertebrae to grow together into one solid bone in a process known as fusion. Fusion creates a rigid and immovable column of bone in the problem section of the spine. This type of procedure attempts to reduce pain and other symptoms. Anterior approaches like ACDF allow access to the discs at the front of the spine and do not require muscle stripping as with posterior approaches.

Can an ACDF be right for me?

Upon diagnosis, my team and I might determine an ACDF procedure is a good option for you if you require an interbody fusion, are skeletally mature, and have received at least six weeks of nonsurgical treatment. Conversely, we may determine that an ACDF procedure is not a good option for you if you are not a good candidate for fusion surgery in general due to other medical conditions. These conditions can be, but are not limited to signs of inflammation or infection near the operative site, patient sensitivity to implant materials, patients with inadequate bone quality, and other indications.

Chase Bennett